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29 October 2011

       On the first very day Ghyansatra is inaugarated by H.H.Bapji and the lamp of lighting was lit by his divine hands. In the early morning pujya Swamishree gave his divine speech on”How to behave murtirup?”. After that Vachnamrut Acharya H.H.Bapji explained the puzzling Vachanamrut and gave his divine speech on “Pratham nu 27 mu vachanamrut.”

       Evening session was conducted by the experieced saints and by their pravachan and interesting cultural programs were also performed on the stage. To obey divya jivan and live unitedly and happily this year’s aimful sankalp was “Aatmiyata karva kariye- Ekta”. To explain this sankalp “Abhav avgun amahima.....” –kirtan was performed on the stage.

       “Prarnadaee patra darshan”i.e “Inspirative chracters show”, speech was given by Pujya Dharam swami. Pujya Swamishree gave a detail knowledge on the topic- “Sav ma Maharaj na darshan karva”. The session was ended with the divine blessings of H.H.Bapji.  Approximately 13,500 ladies and gents attended the session.

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